JAE Blog

professional carpet clean in summer

Why Clean Your Carpets After the Summer Holidays?

Why should you clean your carpets after the summer holidays? Sand, dirt, bugs like ticks and fleas, can be carried inside your home by you, the kids, pets, and visitors. Professional carpet cleaning ensures your home is fresh and hygienically clean.

How to get rid of rats in New Zealand

Spring's Restless Rodents - What you need to know about rats and mice.

Spring. The season of blooming flowers, new life, and sadly RATS! That’s right, along with warmer weather and longer days rodents seem to flourish in the spring. Read on to find out why these furry pests are such a problem in the spring-time.


Watch this Blast from the Past. 50+ Years of JAE Carpet Cleaning

The good old days. Carpets were patterned, neighbours were nosy, shorts were, well - short! Who doesn’t miss the 80’s! 50+ years of JAE. Have a laugh with us.

How to deal with a flood causing water damage in your home

Water damage. How to spot it, stop it and restore your home afterwards

Water damage in a home can be costly to fix, and a risk to your health if not dealt with quickly. If you are worried about your home being the victim of water damage, here's what to do!

Removal of water marks on carpet

How to Deal with Water in Your Carpets that Comes with a Cold Winter

Have you got water spots throughout your home? If the Winter weather is affecting your house then find out how to take on water damage in our latest blog.

Professional Carpet Cleaning After Covid-19 Lockdown

Just How Clean is Your Carpet Since Lockdown?

While everyone has been at home safe in their bubbles, your carpets have been building up with pollutants, dust mites, dirt and more. So, what should you do?

Restoration of River Flood Damage in NZ

We take care of floods – ANYWHERE in New Zealand!

Thanks to New Zealand's sometimes severe weather, flooding can be a big problem and incredibly difficult to deal with when it happens in remote regions of the country. That's when you need to call JAE...

Red Wine On Carpet

Taking On Carpet Stains During Lockdown – What Should You Do?

A red wine stain is the last thing anyone wants deal with while working from home. Read on to find out how to treat carpet stains at home.

COVID-19 JAE Essential Services

Helping protect New Zealand and eradicating the Coronavirus

Now that we are at COVID-19 Alert Level 4, the team at JAE are ceasing all non-essential services to ensure the health and safety of all of our customers and the public. If you have an emergency, contact your local JAE team.

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