Water damage. How to spot it, stop it and restore your home afterwards

How to deal with a flood causing water damage in your home

Homeowners can spend thousands of dollars repairing water damage in their homes. An appliance of water cylinder left unchecked can gradually leak and cause severe structural damage.

Home Water Damage - what is it?

Water damage can occur from heavy rain, groundwater seepage, burst water pipes and appliance malfunctions (overflowing washing machines and leaky dishwashers). When this water is present in your home, it can lead to bacteria and mould growth, stained carpets, and the deterioration of the building structures.

Steps to take to prepare your house against Water Damage

To reduce the risk of water damage in your home, carry out maintenance regularly. Check your dishwasher for leaks or drips. Check the pipes connecting showers and toilets are connected and sealed correctly and ensure your roof gutters are clear of debris.

Find the location of your main water-valve so that if you have a sudden water event, you can quickly shut the water supply off before incurring damage that can be costly to repair.

How can you tell if your house may be suffering from water damage?

Pools of water or watermarks are usually an indication of water damage in your house. You might find this in the back of a cupboard where there is a water pipe. Another common area is at the bottom of the hot water cupboard.

A Cold home could be another sign that something is wrong. If you are having trouble heating your home up throughout the day, this may be an indication that dampness is affecting your walls as it draws the heat out of the air.

The biggest warning sign of water damage in your home is mould. Mould is a build up of bacteria that grows on wet or damp surfaces. When spotted in your home it is either a sign of high condensation or water damage. As mould continues to grow it becomes a bigger risk to you and your family’s health, so removing the source of water that is causing the mould should be a priority. A JAE Technician can use specialised equipment to assess whether there are underlying problems that need to be dealt with.

If your house is suffering from water damage, what should you do?

Whether your house has flooded due to rain ora burst pipe, you will need to react quickly.

Safety first. No matter what sort of water damage has happened, safety should always be your top concern. If your home has flooded, turnoff any power outlets or appliances in the affected areas.

Contact your insurance company. Take note of what items/areas have been affected and take photos of the damage. This will help when someone is carrying out a damage assessment to confirm what action needs to be taken.

We’ll Take Care of it! Our team at JAE are experts at water damage restoration and structural drying. We are also the preferred supplier to many of NZ’s largest insurance companies.

To learn more about how we can help you with the water damage throughout your home, visit our Flood Restoration page.

Knowing how to deal with water spots in your carpet and being prepared for potential water damage in our home will save you money, time, and stress!

If you have any water damage concerns in your home, contact your local JAE today - they're always ready to help!

JAE Flood Restoration Service
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