How to get rid of ants!

how to get rid of ants

Ants! They are unbelievably persistent! All it takes is one tiny crumb left out, and before you know it, you've got an ant infestation. So, how do you stop these little pests from getting into everything? Here are some simple steps you can take to get rid of ants in your home:

  1. Seal up cracks or openings to the outside – especially around windows and doors
  2. Keep the kitchen clean and all food stored away properly
  3. Clean, sweep and vacuum regularly
  4. Tidy up the outside of the house –  clear up debris and piles of rubbish/garden waste and make sure there's no food waste around
  5. Call in the Pest Control professionals

The warmer season brings an increase in bugs and with the abundance of picnics and BBQs during this time, these pesky creatures are spoiled for choice! You might spot a trail of ants around the house or open your cereal box to discover your favourite breakfast is swimming in tiny black bugs! While generally harmless, pests like this can be an unwelcome surprise when they do turn up. So why are they there, why won't they go away, and how do you get rid of ants?

Why do I have ants?

Ants, like some humans, can smell food a mile away! Ants protect and provide for a colony, so they're in a constant search for food. Foraging ants are only a small part of the colony, and once they have found a food source, they produce a scent trail leading back to the rest of the ants. This explains the ‘trail' you see as they follow the trail back and forth. If you have a tendency to leave out food overnight or have slightly open boxes of cereal, jars of honey or jam, bowls of sugar, toast crumbs, or anything that an ant can carry off back to feed the colony, will draw them to your door.

Why are ants so hard to get rid of?

Once an ant colony's scent trail is established, ants can become difficult to eradicate due to their foraging habits, especially if food is continued to be left out. As only a small percentage of ants in a colony are foraging, it is important to identify where the ants are coming from. They are willing to travel long distances for food which means the colony may not directly be on your property, making it a bit of a challenge to find the source of the problem. 

How to get rid of ants

When dealing with these pests the best place to start is prevention. Make sure to avoid leaving food out as much as possible. Make sure you wash those dirty dishes as soon as possible and put leftovers and food in the fridge or in sealed containers.

To make sure they are well and truly gone and that there's no colony or nest left behind, it's best to seek professional help to spot exactly where the pests are coming from. JAE's pest control services can help do a full thorough inspection to help with your ant infestation around your home while making sure to put your health and safety at the forefront of what they do. On top of this, they can also help take care of a whole assortment of other summer pests including cockroaches, mosquitos, flies and spiders.

Read How to Get Rid of Ants

Read more about other Household Pests in our Guide to Pest Control in New Zealand

Got a pest problem you can't seem to figure out? Call the friendly team at JAE today!

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